Friday, February 22, 2013

What do I do with that cavity!?

Before & After: Cavity on Front Tooth

Many people feel that their particular type of cavity will be extremely difficult to fix, and thus are hesitant to come in. This is usually not the case. If it’s a cavity, no matter the kind, we have probably seen its kind about 1000 times or more. The before picture is of a cavity right on the front of a canine tooth. This cavity was very visible when the person smiled so it was important to get it looking good again.

BEFORE: Front tooth with cavity Ogden Dentist BEFORE: Front Tooth with Cavity

The after picture shows the tooth with the cavity removed and a filling placed in it. The color of the material is chosen very carefully so that it blends in with the natural tooth color and is invisible to the eye. If you have something wrong with your teeth, no matter how bad you may think they are, chances are that we can fix them. And not only fix them but make them look pretty darn good in the process.

AFTER: Cavity removed and Dental filling Ogden Dentist AFTER: Cavity removed and Dental Filling

Dr. Jim Ellis, DDS
1220 33rd Street Suite C
Ogden, UT 84403
(801) 783-3490


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Are you a candidate for a Cosmetic Dental Makeover?

That is a question that can only be answered by the individual.

This is Camille. Camille did not like the way her teeth looked when she smiled. Now, some people would say that Camille looked great and did not need any dental work done. But for Camille, there were some things that she didn't like, and wanted to change. Camille decided to get 8 crowns placed across her top teeth.

BEFORE Cosmetic Dental Makeover

Ogden Dentist BEFORE: Cosmetic  Dental Makeover for Camille

These are state of the art Zirconia (Zirconium) crowns. No chance of a black line ever showing through at the gums. No chance of porcelain cracking off of the crown. Beautiful, beautiful crowns.

AFTER Cosmetic Dental Makeover 

Ogden Dentist AFTER: Cosmetic  Dental Makeover for Camille

Camille is a very happy lady.

Dr. Jim Ellis, DDS
1220 33rd Street Suite C
Ogden, UT 84403
(801) 783-3490


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Does my tooth need a crown?

This is one of the great questions of life. After all, if you can get away with fixing that broken tooth with just a filling than why would you choose to get it crowned?

Well, let’s put into terms that most people can understand. You have a 1992 Toyota. It has probably broken down from time to time, but the breakdowns have all been small… until now. Now the transmission has gone out. Do you spend $3000 to fix it, knowing that in a year the whole thing might die on you? Or, do you just trade in the car and get a newer one?

This logic must be applied to the getting of a crown. Typically, a tooth that needs a crown has gone through smaller things already. But now something bigger has happened. Do you get a really large filling placed knowing that it might only last a year, or do you decide that its time to make the jump and get the crown?

Here you will see a picture of a tooth that is at the point of decision. 

Cracked Tooth Filling - Dentist Ogden

Over the years, it has had several fillings that have increased in size every time. Now, the most recent filling is cracked. What to do?

Dr. Jim Ellis, DDS
1220 33rd Street Suite C
Ogden, UT 84403
(801) 783-3490


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Intravenous (IV) Sedation vs. Conscious Sedation

Today, there are many dentists offering “Sedation Dentistry”. But, what are they offering?

Sedation has many levels. A person taking the drug Prozac is considered to be, mildly, sedated. This same person however, can still fully function, going to work, driving a car, etc. Certainly, this level of sedation would not be considered acceptable for a dental phobic.

What most dentists are offering is something called “conscious” sedation. From the Utah Dental Association guidelines …
Conscious sedation means a minimally depressed level of consciousness that retains the patient's ability to independently and continuously maintain an airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation and verbal command …
So conscious sedation, by law, is a minimal level of sedation where the patient must retain the ability to have a conversation with the dentist. In conscious sedation, you are NOT “un” conscious.

Sedation Dentistry in Ogden, Utah 

Intravenous (IV) Sedation however, is much different. Within less than 5 minutes of the drugs being administered, the patient is completely unconscious, asleep, out, in dreamland, etc.

It is not until the procedure is over, and the reversal drugs have been administered, that the patient is begins to wake up and can remember nothing of what has transpired.

For some people a mild form of sedation, to take the edge off, is great. But for those patients looking to be completely asleep for their dental appointment, I.V. sedation is the way to go.

Dr. Jim Ellis, DDS
1220 33rd Street Suite C
Ogden, UT 84403
(801) 783-3490


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Gum Recession (Before & After)

Two different pictures (before and after) with lots to see.

First of all, we need to discuss gum recession. The tooth on the before picture has simple gum recession. Due to one of several factors (age, gum disease, aggressive brushing, etc.) gums can recede over time. The white enamel of a tooth only goes to the original gum line. As the gums recede, part of the root structure is exposed.

Root structure is a slightly darker color then is the enamel. Root structure is also softer then enamel. Over time the root structure can decay very quickly (as seen on the tooth on the right). Once the decay has happened then, we can place fillings in the tooth as we did in the after picture.

Gum recession can be real problem if left unchecked. Please see your dentist if you think your gums may be receding.

Ogden Dentist BEFORE: Gum Recession

Ogden Dentist AFTER: Gum Recession

Dr. Jim Ellis, DDS
1220 33rd Street Suite C
Ogden, UT 84403
(801) 783-3490


Friday, February 1, 2013

Is having more or less Saliva important?

In two words, OH, YA!

Saliva is critical to the health of your teeth and gums. Without it, there would be serious ramifications.

Saliva is produced from 3 major glands in your mouth -- Parotid gland, Submandibular gland, and Sublingual gland.

Human Salivary Glands Diagram

And, it plays two major roles in the body:
  1. Saliva helps to lubricate food before it goes down your throat so that harder foods will not damage your insides on the way to the stomach.
  2. Saliva helps to wash harmful sugars and bacteria off of you teeth.
One of the most damaging things to your teeth is a dry mouth. Dry teeth will soon be dead teeth. A dry mouth can be caused by a number of things. The largest cause of dry mouth that I see is from medications. Specifically heart regulating and mood altering medications have the greatest effect but it can be any medication.

Dry mouth can also be brought on by age. Just as your eyes aren't as moist as they used to be, so to may your mouth begin to dry out over time.

If you feel like your mouth is drier than it used to be, please contact your dentist right away. There are things you can do to help.

Dr. Jim Ellis, DDS
1220 33rd Street Suite C
Ogden, UT 84403
(801) 783-3490