Monday, June 4, 2012

When should my child see the dentist for the first time?

Had someone today ask me when their child's first dental appointment should be.

This is a common question and there is no right answer.

All I can say is that there are very few kids that we are able to
work on, with any degree of success, before the age of  about 3 1/2.
Sometimes earlier and sometimes later, but that is a good average age.

What I would do is bring your child into the dentist office around the age of 3 
to watch you get your teeth cleaned.
This will let the child see that the dentist is not a scary place to be.
(Now stop laughing and keep reading.)

After a couple of times of seeing that mommy or daddy can do it then
the child will feel more confidence in going to get their own teeth cleaned.

Then around the age of 3 1/2 we can give it a try for the first time.
The first cleaning may just be a simple polishing but that will open 
the door to allow us to do a full cleaning later.

Before this point just make sure you are keeping your child's teeth
as clean as possible at home. 
Brushing twice a day, warm wash cloth when they are too young to
tolerate a toothbrush.
No juice in the sippy cups.
You know the drill (pun intended)

Good luck with the little ones.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I am looking forward to visit your page again and for your other posts as well. Keep it up! I'm so glad to stop by your page and to have additional knowledge about pediatric dentist. Thank you for posting this information about pediatric dentist. You have such an very interesting and informative page.
    Based on what I have read in an article through web, some pediatric dentists also specialize in the care of "special needs" patients, such as people with cerebral palsy, mental retardation and autism. Pediatric dentistry emphasizes the establishment of trust and confidence in children with their dentists. Consequently, one of the main components of pediatric training is child psychology. This manifests itself in special office designs, different communication styles and an emphasis on teaching preventative dental habits to children in an effort to make dental visits enjoyable.
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