Before & After: Cavity on Front Tooth
Many people feel that their particular type of cavity will be extremely difficult to fix, and thus are hesitant to come in. This is usually not the case. If it’s a cavity, no matter the kind, we have probably seen its kind about 1000 times or more. The before picture is of a cavity right on the front of a canine tooth. This cavity was very visible when the person smiled so it was important to get it looking good again.
BEFORE: Front tooth with cavity 
The after picture shows the tooth with the cavity removed and a filling placed in it. The color of the material is chosen very carefully so that it blends in with the natural tooth color and is invisible to the eye. If you have something wrong with your teeth, no matter how bad you may think they are, chances are that we can fix them. And not only fix them but make them look pretty darn good in the process.
AFTER: Cavity removed and Dental filling 
Dr. Jim Ellis, DDS
1220 33rd Street Suite C
Ogden, UT 84403
(801) 783-3490