As with most things, the first try is not always a success.
The same can be said about dentistry. The earliest writings we have on the subject are from about 5000 B.C. Way back then all we have are people's speculation on what in the world was the cause of a toothache.
Later on, about 300 B.C. we start to get treatments for toothaches. None of these treatments sounded very pleasant. Even such noted historical figures as
Hippocrates and Aristotle got in on the act.

In the old west it is recorded that the barber doubled as the local dentist. The word "dentist" being very loosely used as most of what the barber did was to simply take teeth that had gone bad.
Personally I can't imagine what it must have been like.
Tooth pain is one of the worst pains you can go through.
And to not have the anesthetics and equipment we have today must have been tough.

Well, 7,000 years after the first recorded ideas of dentistry we now have amazing new technologies that make going to the dentist a
whole lot better then it used to be.